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How I Plan One Month of Meals at a Time

Updated: Jan 22, 2019

Recently I had some friends over for dinner and dessert and one of them noticed my calendar with planned meals for the month. She was in shock that I had planned that many meals and that I only do one big grocery shopping trip per month. I told her my secret and I will share it here as well.

1. Pick Your Meals

This is always the most time-consuming (and not so fun) part about planning for a month of meals. I tend to pick 8-12 recipes each month and I try to not have each recipe require a ton of fresh produce because I don't want it to go bad! I have my favorite tried and true recipes that I have shared "here". I tend to go back them each month and pick a few new ones to try as well.

2. Make Your List

The Type A in me really loves this step. I do one recipe at a time and write down the ingredients I need to get at the store. I try to be pretty specific because I don't want to buy the wrong amount. For example, I always put the ounce amount next to the canned goods I need.

3. Shop

I dread big shopping trips at the grocery store. Juggling a baby and my list can be tough to do. This is why I am in LOVE with grocery pick up. Check out your local grocery stores to see if they offer this! If not, good luck with your shopping ventures!

4. Mark Your Calendar

I have this amazing whiteboard calendar that is huge and I can keep lists on the side of it. I write down the meals for the month on the dates I'm going to cook them. My trick here to to plan a day or two in between for leftovers (this way you don't get burnt out). I always try to plan the recipes with the produce that has the shortest shelf-life first. Some recipes I might cook double on purposed so I can freeze some for next month.

5. Get Cooking

You have no excuse now! All of the ingredients are in your fridge and pantry, you just have to pull up the recipes and get cooking.

I hope my meal planning has eased the cooked stresses in your life!

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