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VIPKID Interview + Demo Lesson Tips

Updated: Feb 27, 2019

So you have passed the application stage of the VIPKID Hiring Process and now you are onto the Interview + Demo. This may seem a little daunting. "An interview over my computer with someone I haven't met, teaching a lesson I haven't had much practice with?"


It's not that bad. Let me walk you through some steps on how to ace that interview!

  • Side note. If you would rather watch me tell you these steps, you can go to my YouTube video below. You can also head there after you read these tips to skip to my demo lesson example!

1. Review the Slides

First and foremost, you need to become very familiar with what you are going to teach. You don't have to memorize it, but you do need to know exactly what you are teaching when you get a split second glance at the slide. Review the objectives for the entire lesson and for each individual slide. For example, the objective for each slide is at the bottom as shown:

Remember, repetition is key. "Mouse. M- M- Mouse. Mouse."

Try your best to stay on time. You will be teaching half of a lesson, so stay around 12 minutes. You don't want to go too far over time, or you won't pass. As long as you practice enough, you should be able to stay within the time frame. A good rule of thumb is to spend about a minute on each slide. If one slide requires more than a minute, take less time off of a different slide. You can do this!

2. Props

You will need to use at least 3 different props. The reward counts as one prop. You can also use flash cards, a whiteboard, toys, or puppets to keep the "student" (aka the interviewer) engaged. If you are using more than one flashcard in the lesson, that still counts as one prop. Makes sure to switch things up and have multiple props laying around you to use.

3. Lighting and Background

Our students are being taught from across the globe. Even with the best internet, and a high quality webcam, if there are shadows on your face, it will be distracting to the student. Make sure you have a lamp or some type of light handy to light up your face. I teach at my dining room table and the light above my head casts very dark shadows down my face. To make up for this, I bought a $13 selfie ring light to illuminate my face.

Your background doesn't have to be perfect. I originally bought a colorful map from the dollar store and strung a banner behind me to add color and interest to my "classroom". It was suggested to me by the interviewer that I make it more colorful and add more to the background. So get creative and do some DIY classroom decor. Pro Tip: The Target dollar spot is a goldmine when it comes to decorating your classroom!

4. Use TPR

TPR stands for Total Physical Response. This is basically like using body language. You can cup your hand to your ear when it is time for the student to speak, cup your hands around your mouth when the student needs to be loud, or use your facial expression to teach emotions such as "happy".

5. Smile and Speak Slowly

I'd say the weirdest part about this Interview/Demo Lesson is the person you are teaching is a grown adult pretending to be a 5 year-old student who doesn't know much English. This is where your imaginary skills will come to life. Do your best to teach this adult as if they were a 5 year-old student who only knows Chinese and a few words and phrases in English. These students are nervous and wary of teachers from a foreign country. Do your best to smile and be welcoming. Speak slowly and pronunciate well.

I hope these tips will help you pass your interview on the first try! If you have any questions, you can always email me at

If you are interested in applying, click the link here. If you have already applied, add my referral code "KIRST0052" so I can help you along in your journey.

Best of Luck!

Teacher Kirsten

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